Hi All,
These are going to probally be stupid question but I am going to ask them any
I have this web site <http://www.htmldog.com/> for learning HTML and I have
bought the book to go along with the web site. Now what i want to do is
download the complete web site as it appears while I am online so that I can
study it along with the book. When I try to do so HTTrack it also downloads
all other web sites which have links in it even such as www.google.com and
Am I correct in understanding that the main domain is <http://htmldog.com/>
which may or may not have many sub folders in it. What I want is to download
only this site and not any other sites which are linked with it. But I want
the whole site to be downloaded as it appears while online along with all the
files and folders. What are the settings that control these. In other offlice
products they have no. of links.