| > You call me arrogant and other names, fine.
> What are you? Nothing. A zero. While you have
> continued your tirade, I've already answered three
> more questions. You haven't done anything. (They are
> going to continue to come here. They are not going
> to go to your site.)
> If I leave then what? At least I've provided
> something. You have provide nothing. You don't like
> my way, fine DO SOMETHING, answer their questions or
See what I mean? You're a troll, who can't even own up to his own mistakes.
You're like a little child, "I've done more than you, neh, neh neh!". Babyish.
You remind me of the fat cat arrogant bankers that caused the recession. They
focus on how many targets they can meet, rather than the QUALITY of the
service. They're not even qualified for the job.
You still continue to fire abuse (STFU? Shut the f*ck up?)
You're the nothing, my friend. I won't help here, until you cease to exist.
I'm a developer, and don't co-exist with "people" like you. People will come
to my site, once I get known. Xavier should get rid of you, because his
program, himself, and his users deserve better support.
Goodbye. | |