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Subject: Re: "In progress" window blank- Vista
Author: ndo
Date: 12/30/2009 14:41
There is some inconsistency with the connections parameters on the last page
just before starting the mirroring operation.

By default "Do not use remote access connection" is set under 'Remote connect'
(that label is greyed out btw). When I open the rollout, there is only 1
option named "Do not connect to a provider (already connected)". The default
one now isn't there anymore. Also the label "Remote Connect" isnt greyed out
anymore. Selecting this solves all the problems after starting the mirroring.
Maybe this is caused by old user default options?

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"In progress" window blank- Vista

11/07/2009 11:24
Re: "In progress" window blank- Vista

11/09/2009 10:00
Re: "In progress" window blank- Vista

12/30/2009 14:41


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