| > httrack "mysite.org/" -O "f:/temp/Mysite" -%!
> -A200000000 -c20"+*.mysite.org/*" -*.mp3 -v
is there a space between c20 and the quote?
> example, suppose I have a folder "recipes" with the
> files "index.html" and "cake.html" inside:
> mysite.org/recipes/index.html
> mysite.org/recipes/cake.html
> The mirror grabs correctly the file index.html, but
> in the case of cake.html, I get the following files
> (The numbers I used are random):
> recipes/cake.html.txt
> recipes/cake3241.html
> recipes/cake2311.html
What you wrote above is impossible. There can be only one recipes/cake.html on
a site. But if the urls are cake?id=1 cake?id=2 then you must have multiple
files in the mirror.
A mirror is not a copy.
The cake.html.txt may mean the site is misconfigured for mime times, and that
you can override.
> In practice, it means that when I have a link to
> cake.html in my mirror, it doesn't work!
Why not? Did you finish the mirror?
> 2) Sometimes, certain files are downloaded but they
> are left inside a folder called "rwsmsh", which also
> makes for a broken link. Suppose the index from the
> last example. Whereas in the server it would be like
> this:
> Mysite.org/recipes/index.html
> In my local mirror, it gets converted into this:
> recipes/rwsmsh/index.html
You are going to have to give the page url if you want anything more than
guessing. | |