| > Can I configure HTrack to record our Internet Web
> Sites with its links to other sites in such a way
> it can be copied to a CD to be remotely demonstrated
> without an Internet connection.
Yes, the project folder can be copier to ANY directory
or location (even network drive, CDR, floppy disk..)
To ensure that you will get all necessary files for
the offline demo, I suggest that you use "get non html
files related to a link" to capture all images that
might be on other sites and linked within your
website. You may also want to define a filter that
will accept to mirror by default everythingon your
website, like:
After completing the mirror, just copy the project
folder, without the unnecessary hts-cache folder, and
without hts-log.txt logfile.
Ah, one last thing: you do do not need to install
HTTrack to do the offline demo, of course : any
browser will be able to crawl the top index.html file
on the CDR/remote directory.
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