| > (winhttrack
> -qir20%e2C2%Pns0u0kz%s%uN0%Ip7DaK0m1000000,0c8H0%kf2
> o0A50000%c10#L10000000%f0#f -F "Mozilla/4.0
> (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)" -%F "<!--
> Mirrored from %s%s by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x
> [XR&CO'2010], %s -->" -P proxy.domain.com:80 -%l
> "en, en, *" <http://sharepoint/intranet/page.aspx> -O1
> "G:sitespage" +*.css +*.js -ad.doubleclick.net/*
> -mime:application/foobar +*.gif +*.jpg +*.png +*.tif
> +*.bmp +*.zip +*.tar +*.tgz +*.gz +*.rar +*.z +*.exe
> +*.mov +*.mpg +*.mpeg +*.avi +*.asf +*.mp3 +*.mp2
> +*.rm +*.wav +*.vob +*.qt +*.vid +*.ac3 +*.wma
> +*.wmv )
> 19:16:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
> sharepoint/intranet/page.aspx (from
1) If your browser doesn't use a proxy, neither should HTT
2) 403 is either a protected site or doesn't like a HTT browser ID and you're
not using the latter.
3) The URL now returns 404
4) You don't need those filters, you already used the near flag which will get
everything including what the filters will not, E.G. getImage.php?ID=xx | |