| Hello,
thanks for your quick replies. Unfortunately I am by no means a computer
expert, what's more English is my second language, and I am struggling to
understand what you are saying.
> > So I can install the program, and then copy and
> > paste my 5000 urls from my file / table column A
> > into the "Web Addresses" field?> No there is an upper limit (32KB I think)
but you
> can put them in a text file and use url=file
> action=get seperated files
My urls only, as a file / table, are 117 kb large. Perhaps I should simply
break them up into four parts, instead of downloading a lump of 150 MB of
pictures at once.
Or, if I save them as a textfile, do you mean a csv file with comma separated
values? Only I can't use commas to separate the values, the urls contain dots,
commas, slashes, hyphens, pretty much every punction mark
e. g. <http://i.ebayimg.com/05/!B%29fvNE!Bmk~$%28KGrHqMOKisEwPBtPuqgB>....
So I really would't know what texttrenner to use in a csv file, perhaps a ยต
could work.
> > What will I get as a result? I would like to have
> my
> > pictures. Or will I get a screenshot of the
> website?> > The websites consist of my pictures and lots of
> > white background, which I don't need...
> HTT downloads files, no screenshots.
I just tried saving one of my picture url websites via Mozilla Firefox - File
- Save Website as
And as a result I got a jpg picture saved in jpg format without any
background. I hope HTT will do the same.
> You don't need to do either. Just mirror the site,
Hm, and for us people ignorant of HTT that means?
The picture host (ebaying.com) contains my pictures and several million
pictures of other people, which I most certainly don't want to download, that
won't be a problem I hope?> use local structure=xx in web/xx and all images
> be in one direction.
???>Use the near flag (get non-html
> files related) in case they are stored off site.
OK, going back to the instruction pages of HTT and hope that will explain what
you are talking about :-)
Stephanie | |