| HTTrack mirror session is skipping a lot of files. Unable to download them due
to "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" error.
Line 2 from log:
(winhttrack -qwC2%Pns2u1%s%uN0%I0p3DaK0H0%kf2A25000%f#f -F "Mozilla/4.5
(compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)" -%F "<!-- Mirrored from %s%s by
HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2010], %s -->" -%l "en, en, *" (omitted
part) -O1 "C:\My Web Sites\dev.studio1" +*.png +*.gif +*.jpg +*.css +*.js
-ad.doubleclick.net/* -mime:application/foobar )
Many lines in the log like this:
Warning: Unexpected 412/416 error (Requested Range Not Satisfiable) for
(domain/filename), 'C:/My Web Sites (domain/filename) ' could not be found on
While the mirror was running it looked like it was re-downloading files over
and over repeatedly. When the mirror ended, a lot of files never got
Is there some setting to get all the files so the requested range is
| |