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Subject: Re: File types filtering, 'resume' VS 'update', etc.
Author: WHRoeder
Date: 11/15/2012 19:29
> 1. I know you aren't supposed to shut down; you can
> only pause and hibernate then resume. With the
> latest HTTrack software, is this still true?
You can also Cancel and Continue. (Longer start up than resume.)
If you just shutdown or kill it, part of the cache files are missing and it
will have to re-download the files because of the missing data.

> 2. The fact is, I can shut down (even if the
> mirroring is not yet completed) and the next time I
> start HTTrack, I simply select 'resume', can't I?> (If not, why?)
There is no resume button, only Start <>

> 3. What exactly is the difference between 'resume'
> and 'update'? 
Resume continues exactly where it left off, all the data in RAM.
Continue, has to reread the cache files to get where it left off.
Update, starts at the starting URL and asks the server has this file changed
since last time (last time is in the cache.)

> 4. I'd like to change the file type filtering option
> halfway through mirroring. Is cancelling the current
> mirroring project the only way I can alter those
> options?Yes, Cancel. Change the Action to Update and change the options.

> 5. Is HTTrack able to detect the file types that are
> compressed within Winrar files?
No. A rar is just a file, it doesn't look inside. (7z is free, open source,
can process rar and zip, and can compress better.)

> 6. Halfway through mirroring, I checked the folders
> that've been downloaded into my pc & there are some
> I'd rather delete. If I do delete these files while
> the mirroring is still running, will HTTrack
> continue to run regardless or will it try to
> redownload those folders/files that I've deleted
> (thus taking an even longer time to finish
> mirroring)?It won't notice, but links to those files will be there pointing
to nonexisting files.
If you filter them out, the links will either point to the online url or a
warning page (no external pages.)
Don't delete the .tmp files, they contain internal processing data.
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File types filtering, 'resume' VS 'update', etc.

11/14/2012 17:24
Re: File types filtering, 'resume' VS 'update', etc.

11/15/2012 19:29


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