| To add to the story , I have a log where I believe the kernel attempted to end
the process but httrack continued:
Here is an excerpt:
06:06:28 Info: engine: transfer-status: link recorded: news.
1983 Exit requested to engine (signal 15)
1984 -> news.iafrica.com/articles/gallery/908.html
06:10:18 Info: engine: save-name: local name:
news.iafrica.com/articles/gallery/399.html ->
2275 Exit requested to engine (signal 15)
2276 me: local name: news.iafrica.com/articles/gallery/385.197.delayed ->
06:15:54 Info: engine: save-name: loca
Exit requested to engine (signal 15)
d-boxes/index.html -> news.iafrica.com/apps/ajax-load-boxes/index8abd.html
08:06:45 Info: engine: postprocess-html:
HTTrack Website Copier/3.46 mirror complete in 3 hours 31 minutes 38 seconds :
1456 links scanned, 384 files written (23404705 bytes overall) [7665695 bytes
received at 603 bytes/sec], 22314323 bytes transfered usi ng HTTP
compression in 839 files, ratio 25%
(No errors, 3156 warnings, 12560 messages)
Exit requested to engine (signal 15)
[end of log]
| |