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Subject: Re: Set HTTrack to just parse files, don't update
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 11/09/2013 16:55
> Now I'm left with everything nicely downloaded, the
> only problem is that the files are not parsed (they
> have absolute links instead of the offline-available
> relative links).

Humm, this is strange - the html files you see are final ones - httrack do not
update them ; could it be some kind of javascript issue ?
> I tried running httrack --continue and also httrack
> --continue --updatehack, but httrack now insists on
> redownloading everything again.

Was the cache damaged due to the ^C interrupt maybe ? (ie. corrupted ZIP file
?) In this case, httrack won't be able to quickly re-parse the files, because
the cache is the only way files can be rechecked (ie. html files on disk are
never used for update - only data files might be used as they are left

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Set HTTrack to just parse files, don't update

11/08/2013 00:07
Re: Set HTTrack to just parse files, don't update

11/09/2013 16:55
Re: Set HTTrack to just parse files, don't update

11/10/2013 05:51
Re: Set HTTrack to just parse files, don't update

11/10/2013 11:25
Re: Set HTTrack to just parse files, don't update

11/10/2013 14:32


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