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Subject: Re: %h format broken in 3.47-14 and later
Author: William Clark
Date: 04/07/2014 23:27
Since I have a template that I copy I was bit embarrassed that there might be
additional factors I hadn't reported, but no, the problem occurs with fresh
projects as well.

I uninstalled -13, installed -27, and started a new project, doing only two
1) supplying the url (
2) opening the site structure options and clicking ok to accept the default

But even with just that the single html page is saved as index-2.html in the
root of the project, not under an directory.

I'm using the 64-bit Windows version of WinHTTrack.
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Subject Author Date
%h format broken in 3.47-14 and later

04/05/2014 17:07
Re: %h format broken in 3.47-14 and later

04/06/2014 16:08
Re: %h format broken in 3.47-14 and later

04/07/2014 23:27
Re: %h format broken in 3.47-14 and later

04/09/2014 20:37


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