| Hi Xaviar,
I'm using WinHttrack 3.20-2 and have trouble with this URL
(and some similar URLs too):
I configured Httrack with default settings, except download
levels is set to 2. When the download finishes (about 200
files for 6.3mb), I open the copied project.cable.html and
tried the following:
1.) clicked on the link to Main Projects Index
(project_index.html) and I go to the archived copy.
2.) from the Main Projects Index page, I scrolled down to
the Wires, Cables, and Jacks link (which is for
project_cable.html) and clicked on it. This takes me off
the archived copy to the live version on the web.
Why? It seems to me that this second link should just go
back to the original page I specified, yet instead it goes
online to the live site.
Another thing, I noticed that when I looked at the source
of the downloaded html for this page, there were TWO
Httrack generated headers in it like (ignore the
3.20RC8D...I didn't update the header-line part of Httrack
<!-- Mirrored from www.smarthome.com/project_cable.html by
HTTrack Website Copier/3.20RC8D [XR&CO'2002], Sun, 29 Sep
2002 21:34:38 GMT -->
<!-- Mirrored from www.smarthome.com/project_cable.html by
HTTrack Website Copier/3.20RC8D [XR&CO'2002], Sun, 29 Sep
2002 21:34:38 GMT -->
<head><title>Wires, Cables & Jacks</title>
Most of the other pages I downloaded from this site were
handled correctly...these are just a few broken copy
examples that I discovered while hunting for the cause of
missed pages.
Any comments would be appreciated, and if you want more
information let me know. Thanks!
-Haudy Kazemi | |