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Subject: Re: Comics website prevents download of images
Author: Xel
Date: 04/12/2017 21:55
If PC I'm able to download it using IDM (grabber wizard using wild card

Let's say comic name is io and it has 20 images and the target URL is:


so on IDM the wild card setting should be 

URL => <Https://*.jpg>
wild card => 000 
wild card type => numbers (choose)  letters (choose)
pages => from (000) to (020)

And it will try to grab any link according to the wild card settings.

Unfortunately I did post the same topic but so far they haven't reply yet.
This function is already exist 10 years on IDM yet httrack still not has a
stable settings let alone to put it on android.
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Comics website prevents download of images

04/12/2017 11:39
Re: Comics website prevents download of images

04/12/2017 12:02
Re: Comics website prevents download of images

04/12/2017 13:36
Re: Comics website prevents download of images

04/12/2017 21:55
Re: Comics website prevents download of images

04/13/2017 20:25


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