| > I am insterested in ONE file type in a web site. So in
> Filtering tab,
> for example, I type -* +*.mid
> but, to get the whole *.mid files, event the sub pages, I
> add +*.html +*.htm
> To stay in this web site, in the Limit tab, I type 0 in
> front of External
NO - external depth is only used in last ressort - filters
are prioritary.
The decision process is:
If filters accept the link, follow it
else, if filters do not accept the link, check external
depth, and take the decision.
> Do you see something wrong in my options ?
Use smarter filters, such as:
-* +*.mid +www.yoursite.com/*.htm +www.yoursite.com/*.html
AND NO external depth set!
(BTW - I am also french, I hope you'll understand me :) )
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