| Darn... try this:
for i in `find / -name "*.h" 2>/dev/null`; do if grep -
E '^extern int ftime' "$i">/dev/null; then echo "ok:
$i"; fi; done
If this still doesn't work, you'll have to patch the
source :)
In htslib.c, patch both mtime_local and filetime:
// number of millisec since 1970
HTS_INLINE double mtime_local() {
// struct timeb B;
// ftime( &B );
return (double) ( ((double) time_local() * (double)
+ ((double) 0) );
/* sets file time. -1 if error */
int set_filetime(char* file,struct tm* tm_time) {
struct utimbuf tim;
// struct timeb B;
// B.timezone=0;
// ftime( &B );
// tim.actime=tim.modtime=mktime(tm_time) -
return utime(file,&tim);
But this is a hack.. please tell me if the ftime()
could be found or not!
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