| html error file created by WinHTTrack Website Copier 3.29-
alpha-05 with a jpg extension
when httrack find this code in a menu
<option value="krazy001.jpg">Pages 001 >> 010</option>
as the jpg file doesn't exist in the folder (but in a
subfolder added by a javascript routine ...)
it writes
Warning: File has moved from www.coconino-
world.com/modules/krazykat/krazy001.jpg to
and creates a html file linking to the error page :
<!-- Created by HTTrack Website Copier/3.29-alpha-05
[XR&CO'2003] -->
<TITLE>Page has moved</TITLE>
but it is saved with a jpg extension and thus cannot be
It does the same with all the option values.
In this case, the code tries to fool robots, but a
redirection on error is common and errors are common too.
Would it be possible to find incoherence in option values
or catch the error code (and redirection in .htaccess ?)
and avoid many useless files in case of .htaccess
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