| If I disable the "attempt to detect all links" option, I
will not catch much of
many sites and will not profit from the very good
javascript parsing.
- I would prefer an option to let paths in javascript
untouched or relative
instead of absolute.
HTTrack cannot guess that jpg files are in another
directory, but in this case, as it generates a html
file to replace the non-existing jpg, why does it save it
as a jpg file? ( a 0 length file will do
the same ?)
Can Httrack find if there was an error 404 (deliberate or
not) followed by a redirection?
If possible there won't be many error files (and file
requests) due to path problems in javascript when
attempting to detect all links. - moreover, path
modifications wouldn't be validated if they generate
error 404.
If you have a minute or two, you could replace
- in French.txt
> poru by pour :
Ne créer QUE des noms de fichiers au format ISO9660 poru
les médias type CDROM.
> enc by en :
Chargement du cache enc cours..
> effacant by effaçant :
en effacant les fichiers
> exterieure by extérieure :
Profondeur exterieure:
> déja by déjà :
Pas de connexion à un fournisseur d'accès (déja connecté)
-in all txt files
> manu by many
Too manu URLs, cannot handle so many links!!
>occured by occurred
A problem occured during the mirroring operation
Dan | |