| > all the time the file i'm interested in containt this
> message in the hts-log.txt :
> 'WARNNG: File has moved from
> img2.hebus.com/moteurs/cars_bmw/cars_bmw_007.jpg to
> <http://www.yahoo.com>
The site is filtering robots and offline browsers like
httrack (maybe because some users abused bandwidth)
You can bypass this using the User-agent field in the
Options, *BUT* first:
- use reasonnable bandwidth limits (such as 10 KB/s : see
Set options / Limits / Maximum transfer rate)
- use NO MORE than 1 or 2 simultaneous connections (1 is
prefferable) : set Options / Spider
I insist: USE REASONNABLE LIMITS! if not, you may be
banned, and even reported for network abuse (remember than
downloading at fast speed can slow down websites)
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