| > I remember the time months ago when I used to visit
> web site every time before I use it to check if there's a
> newer versin than that I have, and usually there was. Now
> it's been months since I got version 3.23 and nothing was
> out since then and I understand that's go something to do
> with the Linux version. Should we expect a new version
> soon? Should we also expect the same rate of new feature
> development?
If you paid attention to this forum, you'd see that Xavier
has been releasing new beta versions very often lately. The
reason you don't see a final is because so much time is
spent getting those betas perfect. Just look at the
changelog, and you might realise how much he does.
He works his butt off on Httrack, getting nothing in return
but the occassional thankful message. Just try to find
another program which is as good, free, being constantly
developed, and has the kind of support like this.
Be patient and keep periodicly checking for that new
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