HTTrack Website Copier
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Subject: Re: Thanks 4 help and need suggestions
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 09/14/2003 17:42
> Thanks Xavier for all your patience answering my 
> questions.  I really appreciate it.  I guess I asked too 
> much for a free product.  

You're wrong - httrack is not mainly "free" (as in "free 
beer") but mainly "free" (as in "freedom"). Besides very 
often "free" products are much better than "non free" ones 
(take projects such as Apache, Sendmail, PHP ..)

There are some missing features in httrack (and possibly 
remaining bugs), but the goal is clearly to offer to users 
all features they are expecting from this kind of software. 

> I need some advise for a current project. I try to mirror 
> big website with a lot of big speach files (around 5MB 
> each, mp3).  From the website, the size is estimated at 
> least 50G.  The website is structured in a hierachical 
> that top web pages display categories of speaches and the 
> bottom pages are for each individual speach with multiple 
> pages containing links to mp3 files on a ftp server. 

Again, httrack is not the best tool to handle ftp files 
(especially for reget) ; if all files are located in one 
server, you'd better to mirror it directly using an ftp 

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Thanks 4 help and need suggestions

09/14/2003 10:49
Re: Thanks 4 help and need suggestions

09/14/2003 17:42


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