I've been trying to compile the project for visual studio
6.0 for about 3 weeks and i've been only been able to
compile a version of 3.23 that had been sent to me.
But this version is done in a all-in-one project, not like
it is released.
I noticed that the following versions fixed a lot of
things that i wish to put but in substituing the files it
gave me more errors that i could handle :/
I have tried to compile the workspace in the following way:
I have the ipv6kit, openssl, zlib, etc.., I have done
the substitution of the L:/<dir>, put the source from /src
to /src_win but still get 2 errors and one warning at the
compiling of libhttrack. Once i solve these ones the
winhttrack project gives me some more errors.. and after
these linking errors :/ (and also have the stuff at c:\dev)
Since i figure the project released should compile without
any changes in the code, i'm guessing the configuration of
the project is missing something. (friggin MS!)
I was hoping that someone could guide me through the
process of grabbing the workspace that is released in the
site and manage to produce a sucessful build.
That or the process of reconstructing the project
structure and settings from scratch..
I'm getting very frustrated with this since i have to use
HTTrack for the final project of the course at the
university and i have to get down to business soon..
Thanks in advance,
Joao Luzio
jluzio@ext.bn.pt | |