| > Is this expected or is there a way for httrack to
> create one index page and update it as in windows?>
> If the above is posible will httrack accept a common
> folder for windows downloads and Linux downloads and
> update it automatically?
This will partially done in the next release, you'll
have an option which will allow to define a "top"
directory, in /etc/httrack.conf:
set path ~/mymirrors/#
Where # will be replaced by the first URL encountered,
and ~ by the user home directory
Therefore, doing a :
httrack www.foo.com
Will create /home/smith/mymirrors/www.foo.com/ folder
with all files in it, AND will then
update /home/smith/mymirrors/index.html, with all
active projects embedded
Will be for the 3.06! (or 3.10 if major fixes could be
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