| > /show.pl?mode=search&input=seat&revy=bil-revyen&index=52
> /show.pl?mode=search&input=seat&index=52&revy=bil-revyen
> /show.pl?mode=search&revy=bil-revyen&input=seat&index=52
> /show.pl?mode=search&revy=bil-revyen&index=52&input=seat
> etc. Would it be hard to make HTTrack recognize these as
> being equivalent? Or are there cases where they are not
> equivalent?
It would require some hacking, but this wouldn't be too
much work. The problem is that, yes, a webserver has the
right to deliver different content based on parameter order.
Example: a cgi that is calculating the price of a travel
from paris to new york (airplane), then ny->sf by car, and
then ->boston by bus, and an open ticket for a car rent
(this is a pure imaginary travel website)
The page (ans the price!) won't be the same for:
(that is, boston->ny by car, then to paris by car (possibly
carried by an airplane container (!)), then way back to sf
by airplane and then a bus rent)
Generally, webserver are "nice" and have no restrictions on
the argument order, however. But, again, this is not
mandatory (as least I couldn't find any information in
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