| > I mirrored a number of websites and, generally, httracker
> works perfectly. One problem: some pages do not have
> their links changed to relative.
> For example, running a 5 level mirror on
> <http://www.host.com/> :
> www.host.com/index.html will have all its links,
> including "href" and "img src" changed to the correct
> relative links, while www.host.com/traders/expert1.html
> will have its links remain absolute. So in index.html I
> will find <img src="images/pic1.gif"> but in expert1.html
> will have <img
> src=http://www.host.com/images/pic1.html. The same
> happens with the anchors, even though the files to which
> both links point were downloaded to the local drive.
> Generally, I end up using shell scripts (sed) to rewrite
> any such links once I move the site to my unix machine,
> it would be better and safer if I could get httracker to
> it initially.
> What am I doing wrong?
Naturally, I meant "pic1.gif" even where I
wrote "pic1.html". Sorry for the error.
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