| > I would like to run several httrack sessions at the same
> time. I know it is possible. But I am using a macro
> program to automatize this work.
Yes - as long as you run the multiple sessions in separated
directories (that is, different projects), eveything's fine
> Alas Httrack does not add
> a number in the title (top name) of each instance so my
> macro program cannot differenciate one hhtrack session
> from another one.
Hum, hum, that's an idea - but the current code is
horrible, and I might not be able to actually know how many
instances of win httrack are loaded (the GUI is used as an
SDI (single document), but on top of an MDI (multiple)
interface - I know, this sucks, but my MFC skills were
pretty limited at this time)
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