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Subject: Re: index.html
Author: Leto
Date: 06/19/2002 00:15
> opens to me a folder of that project in which i have to 
> click on its index.html and then it'll open to me that 
> project - but in previous versions of HTTrack, u just have 

Xavier, I think he means that the "index.html" which is the list of available
projects has links to, say, "myProject1/" and "anotherProject/" rather than
"myProject1/index.html" and "anotherProject/index.html"

Pointing to a folder in a browser will show a list of files, not automatically
select index.html like a webserver would.

I've not tested this, so it may not be this at all..
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Subject Author Date

06/18/2002 09:34
Re: index.html

06/18/2002 22:04
Re: index.html

06/19/2002 00:15
Re: index.html

06/19/2002 08:00
Re: index.html

06/19/2002 18:40
Re: index.html

06/20/2002 02:24
Re: index.html

06/20/2002 18:36
leto's supernatural powers!!!! :o)

06/20/2002 18:49
Re: leto's supernatural powers!!!! :o)

06/21/2002 00:32
HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!!

06/21/2002 16:52
maybe i know what is the cause!!!!!

06/21/2002 17:10
Re: maybe i know what is the cause!!!!! [2]

06/22/2002 10:45
Re: maybe i know what is the cause!

06/24/2002 01:11
Re: maybe i know what is the cause!!!!! [2]

06/24/2002 20:16


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