| > It looks like we're using different settings. My
> are clearly larger than yours
> You may want to try using the config file:
Humm, just finished the mirror successfully:
HTTrack mirror complete in 5 hours 36 minutes 13 seconds :
3407 links scanned, 2265 files written (435628782 bytes
overall) [477293026 bytes received at 23659 bytes/sec],
1011627 bytes transfered using HTTP compression in 6 files,
ratio 30%
(319 errors, 900 warnings, 7775 messages)
The total amount of bytes on the folder is 550MB with all
cache and logs.
Definitely, this is a GUI problem, I think (some DLL
problem or Windows versioning problem) but I just don't
have any idea how to detect it :(
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