| Hallo,
my Problem is, that I have installed V 3.33 in WIN XP SP2, it works in a
certain way and it does download of website, but it does not show the website.
(On my old notebook with WIN 2000 Prof it works perfekt).
With XP I got the message:
FEHLER BEIM KOPIEREN * Die aktuelle Websitenkopie ist leer. Wenn es sich um
eine Aktualisierung gehandelt hat, ist die letzte Kopie wieder hergestellt
Mögliche Ursachen: Entweder wurde(n) die letzte(n) Seite(n) nicht gefunden,
oder es gab ein Problem mit der Verbindung.
=> vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Website noch existiert und/oder prüfen Sie
die Einstellungen für den Proxy! <=
It means: Error by copying. The latest website copy is empty. If you tried to
get the current version, the copy has been restored.
Possible matters: Either the last site was not found, or there was a problem
with the connection. =>make sure, the website is still existing or check your
This error message gives me nothing, all is fine, and my old notebook does all
at the same web acces in my romm.
I think your 3.33 is not running on XP.
If I want to try 3.34 Alpha 8 can I update it or must I delete it and install
the new version new.
Notice: using the menue "help" and "look for new updates" does not work!
Do you offer a 3.34 Beta in the next future?
I am looking for your support
thanks a lot
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