| Xavier,
I've been doing some more investigation, and there seems to be unusual
behavior on Windows when the process terminates abnormally, whether as a
result of the M parameter being invoked when the size limit is exceeded on a
site, or when I close the DOS window in which the process has been started, or
thirdly, when I automatically kill the process or close the DOS shell from
within the wrapping code from which I start the httrack.exe. I have tried
doing this by monitoring the size of the download on the disk externally from
the calling code, then calling a CloseMainWindow(), Close() and Kill() on the
process; all produce the same result, which is that the outstanding files
don't seem to be flushed to disk in the way they should, with only a few files
reaching the disk.
I contrast this with the behaviour of the Windows GUI version. When hit
'cancel' to interrupt the download, it cleanly closes down all the connections
and flushes the in-progress files to disk.
This is really becoming a serious issue for me, unfortunately. Is there any
chance of looking into it?
I would be extremely grateful!
Many thanks.
Stevod | |