HTTrack Website Copier
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Subject: google staticmap download blocked
Author: Glude
Date: 03/24/2011 21:09
Hi, I'm trying to mirror a site including google staticmap images but instead
of getting the image files, I get an html error message file saying I have to
be authenticated:

"The following error was encountered:
Cache Access Denied.
Sorry, you are not currently allowed to request:
    <> this cache until you have
authenticated yourself."

The command line I am using is (winhttrack) :
-F "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)" -%F "<!-- Mirrored
from %s%s by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2010], %s -->" -%l "en, en, *"
<> -O1 "C:\\httrack\\folder" +*.png +*.gif +*.jpg +*.css +*.js* -mime:application/foobar

What could I do to make httrack able to dowload the images ?

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Subject Author Date
google staticmap download blocked

03/24/2011 21:09
Re: google staticmap download blocked

03/24/2011 22:06
Re: google staticmap download blocked

03/24/2011 22:44
Re: google staticmap download blocked

03/25/2011 06:05
Re: google staticmap download blocked

03/25/2011 21:10
Re: google staticmap download blocked

03/26/2011 00:36
Re: google staticmap download blocked

03/30/2011 19:12


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