| > > -qwr3%e1C2%P%s%uN0%I0p7M100000000H0%kf2A50000%f#f
> > +*.gif +*.jpg +*.png +*.tif +*.bmp )
> Don't use filters like that, instead use the near
> flag (options -> links -> get non-html files related
> = checked)
options -> Regles de filtrage =
options -> Liens -> Capturer les fichiers non HTML = check
> > robots.txt rules, links begining with these path
> > will be forbidden: /administrator/, /cache/,
> > /components/, /images/, /includes/,
> /installation/,
> > /language/, /libraries/, /media/, /modules/,
> > /plugins/, /templates/, /tmp/, /xmlrpc/ (see in
> You must override the robots.txt (options -> spider
> -> spider=no robots.txt rules)
options -> Fouineur -> Spider: = pas de regles robots.txt
| |