| HTTrack3.48-9+htsswf+htsjava launched on Tue, 27 May 2014 15:42:19 at
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(compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)" -%F "<!-- Mirrored from %s%s by
HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2014], %s -->" -%l "ru, en, *"
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+*.gif +*.jpg +*.jpeg +*.css +*.js -ad.doubleclick.net/*
-mime:application/foobar )
Information, Warnings and Errors reported for this mirror:
note: the hts-log.txt file, and hts-cache folder, may contain sensitive
such as username/password authentication for websites mirrored in this
do not share these files/folders if you want these information to remain
15:42:19 Warning: Note: due to herbalfood.ru remote robots.txt rules, links
beginning with these path will be forbidden: /cgi-bin, /wp-admin,
/wp-includes, /wp-content/plugins, /wp-content/cache, /wp-content/themes,
/trackback, */trackback, */*/trackback, */*/feed/*/, */feed, /*?* (see in the
options to disable this)
15:42:19 Warning: HTML file (0 bytes) retransferred due to lack of cache:
15:42:21 Error: Unable to save file C:/Ìîè Web
Ñàéòû/herbalfood.ru/herbalfood.ru/feed/index.html: No such file or
15:42:25 Error: Unable to save file C:/Ìîè Web
Ñàéòû/herbalfood.ru/platform.twitter.com/widgets.js: No such file or
15:42:25 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 29800 got 0): platform.twitter.com/widgets.js
15:42:26 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link herbalfood.ru/about/
(from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:27 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/interesting/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:27 Warning: Link herbalfood.ru/wp-login.php not scanned (follow robots
meta tag)
15:42:28 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/redka/retseptyi-s-redkoy/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:29 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/redka/primenenie-polevoy-redki/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:29 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/redka/redka-polevaya/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:29 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/yarutka/cookbook-yarutka1/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:29 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/yarutka/primenenie-yarutki/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:29 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/yarutka/yarutka-polevaya/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:29 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/surepitza/primenenie-surepitsyi/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:29 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/surepitza/kapusta-polevaya/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:29 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/surepka/cookbook-surepka/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:29 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/all-herbals/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:29 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/sbor-zagotovka/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:49 Warning: Retry after error -4 (Connect Error) at link
herbalfood.ru/reklama-na-sayte/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:49 Warning: Retry after error -4 (Incorrect length (0 Bytes, 29800
expected)) at link platform.twitter.com/widgets.js (from herbalfood.ru/)
15:42:50 Error: "Error when decompressing" (-1) at link
herbalfood.ru/reklama-na-sayte/ (from herbalfood.ru/)
HTTrack Website Copier/3.48-9 mirror complete in 31 seconds : 30 links
scanned, 13 files written (192260 bytes overall), 13 files updated [252791
bytes received at 8154 bytes/sec], 221700 bytes transferred using HTTP
compression in 16 files, ratio 68%, 1.2 requests per connection
(16 errors, 6 warnings, 0 messages)
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