| > -www1.askme.com/*cid={:1..860}*
Warning: pc-regexp are NOT handled, only limited regexp!
Use simpler expressions such as:
> But for both, the 'File download information' shows other
> categories are being downloaded as well.
Use strict filters, that is, start using -* to exclde
everything, then accept file by file, such as (this is only
an example):
-* +www1.askme.com/index* +www1.askme.com/*cid=* ..
> 2. Would the above Scan Rules work if we use
> -www1.askme.com/*cid=1* .........
> -www1.askme.com/*cid=3600* ?
> 3. How can we add different categories downloaded in
> different PCs, located in different places ?> Please guide us successfully
as to how we can download as
> many subcategories as possible, if not all, as we can add
> PCs from Internet cafes.
This will be harder, because you can not "merge" multiple
caches, unfortunately.. the problem is not obvious, and
unfortunately I doubt there is a simple solution. You can
download using multiple sessions, but you'll have to merge
by hand all of them after that.
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