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Subject: Re: Search&replace with regular expressions
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 10/10/2003 22:51
> That what I would like to exchange on the fly with 
> Search: (href='http:[^>]*)
> Replace: onclick='if (confirm('The content behind this 
> is not located on this DVD. This is because of disk-space 
> limitations.
> Any idea wheather I can include this already into my scan 
> rules or somewhere else in httrack?
You can do that using the -V option (but this will also 
take some time) or using C-language callbacks (this will be 
a bit painful to code)

But the simplest way is through the "No external pages" 

- Activate the "No external pages" option
- After the mirror is finished, edit the external.html page 
and replace the javascript code as you wish
(beware: the external.html page will be replaced if you 
update the mirror)

Note that this will solve html links, but not fully the 
problem of external images (replaced currently by an 
external.gif image) and external files in general (example: 
zip files - how to wrap them?)
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Subject Author Date
Search&replace with regular expressions

10/10/2003 11:13
Re: Search&replace with regular expressions

10/10/2003 22:51
Re: Search&replace with regular expressions

12/06/2003 00:04


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