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Subject: Re: Search&replace with regular expressions
Author: A.G. Russell
Date: 12/06/2003 00:04
The -V (--userdef-cmd) is very helpful, but do you have an
example of using the C-language callbacks, I am trying to
avoid having to save the modified-date and touch -t
yymmddhhmm filename back again in the command after the file
is copied.

in an Ideal world it would be a way to hand a sed style
command file to the option and operate only on files that
end with html, or htm, and still keep the Last-Modified that
was taken from where the page was mirrored from.

Thank you very much for your time, and for a very useful
command that has saved me a great deal of time and resources.

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Search&replace with regular expressions

10/10/2003 11:13
Re: Search&replace with regular expressions

10/10/2003 22:51
Re: Search&replace with regular expressions

12/06/2003 00:04


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