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Subject: Re: asp updates ETags
Author: Lars
Date: 01/05/2004 17:11
Thanks for your help! 

While I agree with you on making a move fully to
linux/apache/php, we have over 20 thousand products in our
database and these guys have many specific procedures they
have written for the sites as well. We are looking at using
httrack in a transition period on the way to linux/php. 

I had seen ETags mentioned previously, but no solid
documentaion on how to use them with httrack. I think this
is the option we will have to use to make this work. Could
you steer me to a good howto or give me some information on
who to proceed. Do I have to tell our IIS guy to turn them
on or anything or are they included in the html generated by
asp automaticly?
Again thanks for the help!

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asp updates etc. help!

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Re: asp updates etc. help!

01/03/2004 17:48
Re: asp updates ETags

01/05/2004 17:11
Re: asp updates ETags

01/05/2004 18:07

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Re: length

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