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Subject: Re: I've read the forum, but need further advice
Author: logan henriquez
Date: 10/27/2005 19:27
I'm trying to preserve the original URLs inside HTML docs (e.g. after the
HREF=, SRC=) as well as maintain the original file names of html documents
that these URLs point to. So hiding the query string doesn't do it.  

I don't care about the path of the URLs, I can easily parse this into the
right absolute path whether on disk or online - but I can't return a filename
back to its original if a random number is placed in the filename instead of
the query string.

Since the HTTRack doesn't seem to be able to do this, I'm writing some code
that uses the <!-- Mirrored from header in each file to rename the files back
to the original, and also use the K4 option to keep the URLs in their
original.  But I just realized that this may jeopardize HTTrack's ability to
do an update, if the update depends on filenames, which it likely does.
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I've read the forum, but need further advice

10/26/2005 00:50
Re: I've read the forum, but need further advice

10/26/2005 06:10
Re: I've read the forum, but need further advice

10/26/2005 23:45
Re: I've read the forum, but need further advice

10/26/2005 23:58
Re: I've read the forum, but need further advice

10/27/2005 17:11
Re: I've read the forum, but need further advice

10/27/2005 19:27
Re: I've read the forum, but need further advice

10/28/2005 00:38
Re: I've read the forum, but need further advice

10/28/2005 00:55


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