| Thanks for your quick reply, William,
Yesterday, I pressed" CANCEL" and obtained the message "Finishing pending
transfers...". I waited and left my connection active all night long (by the
way, is an 1,2 mega bit ADSL).
This morning, the window showed :
Bytes saved 12,25
time 1d23h...
Transfer rate 0B/s (28B/s)
active connection none
links scanned 115/465 5+261)
files written 130
files updated 119 (91%)
errors 53
hts-log.txt had a size of 28 gigas.
and the message "Finishing..." was always merrily twinkling, so I pressed
"CANCEL" for the second time.
When asked, I choose to erase hts-cache/new*, I don't know if my choice was
good, then I deleted the files "new.zip," "new.lst" and renames "new.txt" as
"new.txt.save" to keep the error messages included in it.
like :
"10:14:47 317/317 ---MC- 400 error ('Bad%20Request') text/html
(from )
10:14:50 1930/1930 ---MC- 404 error ('Not%20Found') text/html
--- I tried -to view log (in the window) but could not reach the end of the
there where many messages like :
"engine warning serialize error for leodamgan..."
"warning previous file not found (erase by user?) recatching leodamgan..."
After quitting completely Httrack, I dont find any software able to open
But the partial mirroring was well done : I can browse recents entry posts
with their pictures and the links on the videos I uploaded on Youtube are
So, its works, but for the transfer rate so slow et this log file so huge!.
But now, when I restarted httrack 2 hours ago , it did'nt accept to "continue"
or "update", I had to choice "download...".
First, it seemed to go slightly faster with 3 or 4 connections actives, but
now it's slower again.
I have Zone Alarm as firewall, and a web filter : "The Proxomitron" who acts
as a local proxy in IE, an "Flashblock" as plugin in Firefox.
Does it matter? This morning, I declare "localhost" and port 8080 as proxy in
options. What it a good idea?
Thanks you very much for the time you spent on this issue,
have a good day,
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