| Hey, did you figure it out yet?Right click on the file or image that you want
to download and then choose properties to find the location of where the file
is located.
To download it,
Start a new project,
Enter a project name,
Select a directory path,
Click next,
Mirroring mode = download website(s)
Enter the website url eg: >www.mysite.com<
Click set options,
Click the Scan Rules Tab - Enter +followed by www.domain/directory path of the
files you want to download.
eg +www.mysite.com/*.*************************
You should use a long wild cards to get every possible file type.
If you think that the website uses an odd file naming technique, use
*.************************* or longer..
Or just *.jpg *.bmp, *.html
The Experts only Tab:
Travel Mode = Can go down >> or to the right of the address bar <<
Global Travel Mode = Stay on the same address >> Use this for harvesting
images or movies on one website etc <<
The other options are not important to me and can be left at default.
You can run multiple website ripping jobs at the same time on the same or on
different websites.
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