| I normally interrupt by hitting abort just once (even though at times it takes
more than 12 hours to finish up, but it doesn't need a connection once the
last pending download is finished), but whenever it crashes or freezes I don't
have much of a choice, I am afraid.
I just moved house (and computer) again, and this time I started the command
line version for a change (with -i), but that was a mistake: it has now
started recopying everything :-(
For what it's worth, here is line 1 of my doit.log
-qw%e1C2%PnX0s0%s%u%I0c39R3H0%kQA999999#L10000000%f#f -F "Mozilla/4.5
(compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)" -%F "<!-- Mirrored from %s%s by
HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2008], %s -->" -%l "nl, en, *"
<<http://...>> -O1 "E:\\I\\OCW" -*[name]ocwconsortium*
-mit-ocw-thai.eng.chula.ac.th/* -iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/expert/*
-*[name]creativecommons.org/* -*[name].amazon.* -*[name].adobe*
-*[name]google* -*[name].jstor.org* -*[name].doubleclick.* -digg.com/*
-*[name].blinklist.com/* -*[name]twitter.* -*[name]blog* -*[name]adtech*
-* -*[name]delicious.com -i -O "e:\\i\\ocw"
| |