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Subject: Re: Interrupting
Author: William Roeder
Date: 08/01/2010 16:57
> Ah, I meant: for the last 24 hours, several
> instances of the command line version have been
> running.  I suppose for those specific instances
> there is no way to pause them other than by
> hibernating the machine.
On startup the retry should autoresume.

> (If I were to close down the Internet connection,
> would they error out on the not-yet-captured files
> in a reasonable time?)
I don't know what the default timeout/retry settings are, so I wouldn't.
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07/28/2010 01:28
Yes, please do this!

07/28/2010 16:25
Re: Yes, please do this!

07/28/2010 17:30
Re: Yes, please do this!

07/29/2010 22:34
Re: Yes, please do this!

07/30/2010 21:44

07/31/2010 00:26
Re: Interrupting

07/31/2010 05:44
Re: Interrupting

07/31/2010 17:15
Re: Interrupting

07/31/2010 20:02
Re: Interrupting

07/31/2010 21:08
Re: Interrupting

08/01/2010 16:57
Re: Interrupting

08/04/2010 22:14


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