| I want to download the entire giantesscity.com domain (/forum and video files
most importantly)
After I open HTTrack and place giantesscity.com in Web Addresses (on Download
web site(s)) setting than do next > finish; it starts downloading and
continues but when it finishes or I cancel and go to index than click Enter, I
am sent to the login page, I put in the login info but it sends me to the
actual website on the internet!
I've taken my cookies in Temporary after logging in to the site and placed
them in the project folder before downloading and I'm still sent to the actual
website after having to manually login.
Even if I could get over this hurdle, I suspect the site has a login timer
which I would need to overcome and if I go to the actual downloaded files
(pics and html docs) the pictures come up blank and any of the html docs I
open show the same login window and after putting in the info, I go directly
to the actual site on the internet again!
I've activated a test account for anyone willing to help me:
Username: HTTest
Password: httest
Help? | |