| As always, Bill knows what he's talking about ;^)
I have a problem though, may be a separate thread as I haven't been able to
figure this out any better than the folks in this one:
I am on Vista now and had the IPv6 installed and enabled by default. Before I
disabled (i.e. unchecked for this connection) IPv6, the proxy address for
CatchURL would come up with a v6 address (hex digits). So I disabled it and
now get - for the address - only :::1.
I tried setting my proxy to, assuming this is what CatchURL "really"
meant to say and it didn't work, no matter how many different ports the two of
us went though.
I was also unsuccessful at getting it to work on an XP box, but that was a
while ago so I don't remember if the problem was the same. I may have had
IPv6 on there too and left it enabled.
So, any idea on how to fix the ":::1" problem? Can a locally-running personal
firewall interfere with this?
For what it's worth, my network connection shows that it uses the following
items (not all-inclusive):
Trend Micro NDIS 6.0 Filer Driver (service)
Auto Internet Protocol
LinkLayer Toplgy Disc Mapper
LinkLayer Toplgy Disc Respndr
(TCP/IPv6 is on the list but unchecked)
Also curious - and couldn't find anything in a search - if someone has figured
out a way to deal with a login page that uses "captcha" (or whatever like it)
security. Thanks!
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